Labour Law

BGKW Lawyers

We advise employees and employers in all areas of German labour law.

The termination of the employment relationship by dismissal is the main dispute before the labour court. We represent your interests.

However, legal advice is also often appropriate when the contracting parties intend to conclude a termination agreement. The employer has often a legal adviser on his side. That the employee also involves a lawyer is just fair. We give legal advice in all terms, which have to be considered and regulated, especially regarding the compensation.

Temporary work contracts are not frequently invalid either because the agreed time limit is forbidden or the limitation is not objectively justified.

The varied rights in labour law require that an employment relationship exist. In many cases people are wrongly classified as self-employed. We enforce your rights.

We elaborate and examine employment contracts.

Other topics in individual labour law are written warnings, (minimum) wage and holiday entitlements, maternity and parental leave. Moreover, we are specialized in all areas of collective labour law.

Timely consultation is very important, because labour rights often have to be claimed in due time.


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